cobb justice foundation
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Cobb Justice Foundation

Cobb Justice Foundation

In 1991, Cobb Legal Aid partnered with the Cobb Bar Association and, along with the local judiciary and leaders within the community, created a strategic initiative to increase volunteer and financial support for Legal Aid.  Through that collaboration, the Cobb Justice Foundation (CJF) was born in 1993.  This special project provides opportunities for pro bono attorneys to be involved with Cobb Legal Aid while also providing legal education opportunities to potential clients as well as pro bono attorneys. 

Educating clients on their legal rights has become especially significant in the last several years.  Since 2000, the number of indigent individuals eligible for Cobb Legal Aid services has increased by almost 150%.  With this increased demand for services, educating clients to avoid legal problems is now an important focus.  The increase in the number of clients has also led to an increase in the need for Legal Aid attorneys.  Due to a lack of sufficient funding to hire enough attorneys to meet this demand, recruiting and training pro bono attorneys to help with this caseload is vital to the mission of Legal Aid.  JOIN CJF or make a Donation today.  We appreciate your support!

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