Court Updates |
Message from Chief Judge Greg Poole of the Cobb Judicial Circuit:
Message from Chief Judge Dean C. Bucci, of the Paulding Judicial Circuit:
Message from Chief Judge Greg Poole of the Cobb Judicial Circuit: View Notice of Judicial Emergency within the Superior Court of Cobb County 8.7.24 ___________________________________________________ Message from Chief Judge Greg Poole of the Cobb Judicial Circuit ORDER TO CLOSE COBB SUPERIOR COURT, STATE COURT, MAGISTRATE COURT, PROBATE COURT AND JUVENILE COURT View Order. ________________________________________________________ Message from Gregory Poole, Chief Judge, Cobb Superior Court: Alternative Checkpoint Entrance – effective July 26, 2023 View Message. ________________________________________________________ Judge Manning Updated Standing Order STANDING ORDER: GUIDELINES TO PARTIES AND COUNSEL IN CIVIL CASES PROCEEDING BEFORE JUDGE JANE P. MANNING
__________________________________________________________ Judge Manning Updated Standing Order GUIDELINES TO PARTIES AND COUNSEL IN CIVIL CASES PROCEEDING BEFORE THE HONORABLE JANE P. MANNING __________________________________________________________ Mask Requirement: The CDC has updated Cobb’s Community Level as of August 25. Our level is now MEDIUM. Recall that the Order ( relaxes certain guidelines when the COVID risk level is medium. Notably: masks are optional but recommended for sensitive populations. View Cobb Superior Court COVID-19 Updates_________________________________________________Cobb County Juvenile Court:Message on behalf of Juvenile Court Judge, Hon. Wayne E. GrannisView Juvenile Court Order___________________________________________________March 2, 2022 |
Order Extending Declaration of Judicial Emergency of Marietta Municipal Court:
View Order _________________________________________ Superior Court Rule 6.1 (relating to filings) be amended, effective July 2, 2020:
The Supreme Court entered an order modifying Uniform Superior Court Rule 6.1 effective July 2, 2020. The revised rule requires as follows: View Supreme Court Order 6.1 __________________________________________
Message on behalf of Chief Judge Reuben Green Superior Court, Cobb Judicial Circuit:
Order Declaring Courthouse Safety Emergency Guidelines During the Judicial Emergency: _________________________________________
THIRD ORDER EXTENDING DECLARATION OF STATEWIDE JUDICIAL EMERGENCY _________________________________________ Message on behalf of Marietta Municipal Court, Chief Judge Roger Rozen: Marietta Municipal Court has been closely monitoring developments around the spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19). As part of our Continuity of Operations Plan, our goals are to limit the impact on visitors and staff while ensuring the health and safety of staff, legal community and visitors to the court. In conjunction with Georgia Supreme Court Justice Harold Melton’s “Order Extending Declaration of Statewide Judicial Emergency, issued 5/11/20, Marietta Municipal Court’s Order and following the most specific public health guidance provided by the federal Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Georgia Department of Public Health (DPH), and local health departments, court sessions resumed on Tuesday, June 2, 2020 in a new modified sense. When visiting the court, I am strongly encouraging all visitors to provide their own face mask or cloth covering but the court will have masks available. Court sessions, through June 30th are currently limited to 38 cases per court session to allow 6 foot distance when seated, and in addition to the court’s usual sessions at 8:30 and 1:30 on Wednesday and Thursday, we have added another session on Tuesdays at 1:30. To accommodate attorneys and provide 6 foot seating distance, an area outside of the courtroom will be designated for attorneys but will be limited to six at any given time. In an effort to assist with this limitation and in light of other courts resuming court calendars which may create scheduling concerns for members of the bar, the court will offer attorneys an option to be electronically checked in for court and placed “on call” by visiting (look for the link under Municipal Court Operations During Covid-19 Recovery). With this optional feature, court staff will call or text you approximately 15 minutes before your case is expected to be called by the prosecutor or judge. Through this feature, you will also have the ability to communicate with court personnel to make other arrangements or handle conflicts regarding your appearance. We hope this will assist you in handling your clients’ cases in this court safely and efficiently. ________________________________________ Message on behalf of Solicitor General's Office: The Solicitor General's Office is continuing to function under a limited operations schedule at this time. Effective, June 2, 2020 our daily office schedule will be Monday through Friday 8:00 am - 4:00 pm. Our office will be closed for lunch from noon to 1:00 pm every day while this schedule remains in effect.
We are opening our 5th floor lobby to members of the bar and court personnel. We are extending this courtesy strictly for the delivery and pick up of paperwork related to court matters.
We will not be hosting any in person meetings until further notice. Feel free to contact us at our main office number, 770-528-8500 with any questions or concerns you may have.
Thank you for your patience and understanding as we work to provide services to the public while maintaining a healthy and safe environment for everyone.
_____________________________________ Superior Court Entrance for Employees/Security Card Holders:
Beginning June 15, 2020, all employees and/or attorneys who work or have business in the Justice Center buildings, excluding Building C at 10 E. Park Square, will need to enter through the Haynes/Lawrence Street entrance. This entrance will be designated as "Employee/Security Card Holders Only" until further notice. The Waddell Street entrance will be designated for the "Public Only" until further notice. The employee turn-style at this entrance will be turned off. These measures are being put into place to try and prevent a back-log of people trying to enter the judicial complex once court matters begin to increase. __________________________________
Clerk of State Court Criminal E-filing: Cobb County State Court Chief Judge Carl Bowers:
Cobb County Superior Court Judge Schuster:
Cobb County Probate Court Chief Judge Kelli Wolk:
Georgia Supreme Court Chief Justice Harold Melton:
Cobb County Superior Court Chief Judge Reuben Green:
Cobb County State Court Chief Judge Carl Bowers:
Cobb County Magistrate Court Chief Brendan Murphy:
Message from Rebecca Keaton, Clerk of Superior Court Cobb Judicial Circuit
Message from Steven Ellis, Assistant Solicitor General Cobb County
Message from Chief Justice Harold D. Melton Supreme Court of Georgia